Our workshops are the pearl of our creativity and a result of our work with people through all the years. It is the essence of our experience and position, activity and knowledge. It is a material form of our will to share with others our love, compassion and awareness.
We suggest you the following main themes for Germany: Women, Men, Loving Communication, Touching Communication, Art of being a Couple. You can read detailed below. Please leave us a message, if you are interested at our web site, so that we can immediately contact you.
Women Group: Dignity and Wisdom /13.12.2015/ Vera
This is a one day workshop. Being together with women always reminds me about the mystery of life. The atmosphere itself changes a lot. It is a special space when there are only women, it is sacred. One can say something that could never been said in any other place. Feelings that were buried for many years suddenly come out. They can finally be lived in a safe atmosphere, thus revealing energy and space for the new and bringing you to another level of awareness.
You can rest and satisfy your need for the understanding and support in the arms of the women around you. We shall try many different exercises and roles. At once the women can transform into the “mothers for you” that can give their love and care, that was need for such a long time. This can be a first step to find it inside and to take it, even if it is not your mother. Inner diaologs will allow you to say something very important, that never dared to be spoken.
Most exercise are directed to feel the power and dignity of being woman, to get in touch with the wild woman inside us, that does not have any fears even death. The workshop will lead you to your own wise woman that can face anything in her life, take it and make the best out of it.
This process is always unique – does not matter what kind of plan I prepare it unfolds in a way it is best for all participants, cause we are all unique, we are all creatures, that means that we create just being as we are.
No any other conception changed so strong in last century as our picture of what a Man is. From one hand there so many ways to understand and be a man in modern time and from anther hand never before were the expectations to the men so high, that many cannot fulfill them.
In our work with men we develop our true men qualities in their goodnature and power – being kind and strong, wild and success oriented.
Except the mild but exciting process, that You go through, You will find at our workshop a special space of the openness within other men, that can never be created in other conditions.
Journey into male identity /00.00.2015/ Jan and Tom
It is a weekend workshop for the men facing the difficult situations or new challenges in life. To go our way with clarity and power, we shall deal with such topics what it is Being a Man.
Being within only men in this group allows you to touch old stories that are living their own life inside of you and do not allow you to go further. That support the crises and pull away from the clarity and power. You can receive an honest man’s “shoulder” and understanding; you can get a new view to the bothering issues and a main issue “What I am” or “how I can be only me, how I can become me”.
Most exercises will help you to connect to your power, to realize your typical patterns and to get the clarity and strategy. The workshop will lead you to your own “wise man” that can overcome everything that comes around.
We use in our work very different methods and the Nature is main director, that will be a mirror accompanying our being and supporting our meeting with our own nature.
For the fathers only /00.00.2015/ Jan and Tom
We suggest one weekend in the nature, going down the river, sleeping in the tents and facing our new quality or already assimilated – Father. Can I be father to me and my children? What do I translate in my relationship to kids? What is my love for them? If I do not live with my kids, how can I deal with that my best? You will also get some practical knowledge about the growing-up aspects and will be taken into new journey to being a father – “how to become my best father for my kids”.
Communication: the space of honesty and respect /00.00.15/ Vera and Tom
This one-day open workshop is intended for all who want back these first days and months of being in love in terms of communication. Somehow it was smother and more careful. Many thing were agreed by themselves. What can be the trick now, when I know my partner much better and do not agree with some points? What can help me to say what I mean and mean what I say? What does it mean when my partner is honest with me? Am I able to agree with something that I cannot agree deep inside, if yes, then how? Together using our special fun exercises and your honest desire we shall find the answeres to the questions and train our acceptance and respect of ourselves and the partners. We shall find the way to see, that in conflicts my partner fights not against me, but that we fight for our common good. We shall find the ways for a caring communication that can be a provider to show our best feelings and manifestations and solving many issues with love.
Loving touch ‘1’: the space of love and sexuality /00.00.15/ Vera and Tom
This one-day open workshop is intended for all who want to dive into a deeper level of physical experience and trust within the couple. Creating a special space among the couple filled with awareness and love, we shall practice the touching full of love. How it is being touched with love, how it is to touch with love? How it is to see the body of your partner as a sacred temple? How it is to see each centimeter of the body of your partner as a divine realization? How it is to be in contact with the inner beauty which expands more and more with each touching and favor with joy and happiness for both of you. All these questioned will be thoroughly answered within a day. It is recommended for the couples that have already visited “Loving touch: the space of trust and awareness”.
Loving touch ‘2’: the space of trust and awareness /00.00.15/ Vera and Tom
This one-day open workshop is intended for all who want to experience conscious touching or to learn another way of touching. That will both widen your awareness and bring you to a space of trust. There you will be able to feel new subtle sensations of your body, which can help you to unfold insights. Being there in this special space of awareness and trust you will be able to discover new ways of physical connections with your partner. We shall guide you to this space using soft meditations and safe body exercises. The outer structure will help you to connect with your natural beauty that will support you through the process. This practice cane be after that easily practiced at home. You will get some more details about this. Recommend for couples to get in touch with new way of physical experience and trust.
“I see God in you”, “I see Goddess in you” /00.00.15/ Vera and Tom
This one-day open workshop is intended for all who want to see their relationship or the way to connect from different point of view. This workshop is for those who want to step out of theirs Ego for a while and dive into the gorgeous experience of divinity. Feeling this divine connection is natural for all human beings, it does not matter from which country and culture you are from. It is our privilege, other beings cannot do this. Using special exercises and our ability of awareness we shall get a special “eye view” that help us to connect with our inner God or Goddess. Stepping into the space of divinity I become able to see Goddess in my woman, I can see God in my man. We use soft meditations, safe body exercises and inner beauty of each participant to dive into this heavenly space. Often exactly the attitude of others towards us makes us what we are. The minimum result will be – a new eye for yourself, your partner, new attitude to the main areas of life and new perspective of organizing your life.