"Among US" online psychological counseling

Among Us- International Institut for the harmonic development and education

Go to education


invited people from all over the world that live and work with compassion to all human beings..

Go to groups and therapy

groups and therapy

they give you deeper understanding of your psychology and clarity to confront your issues

Go to coaching


we shall help you to make your dreams come true and create new horizons



they give you safe room for new experiences that you can integrate in your life


We are


Coaching Men groups Initiationgroups Social work management Workshops
“Oh, you are angry, you are scared – Great, what is good in that?” Everything is welcome and included. The job with him is more than a coaching to solve the issues, it is a journey to your unwelcome parts, that let to expand your personality for the creation and true changings.


Individual sessions Women groups Workshops
She is accepting, warm and open. Trust becomes a basis for your sessions, talks and meetings, where a human contact can turn into healing one.


Individual therapy Group therapy Workshops
Support and being with you – are the greatest guides to he deepest cornersof of your being. What more can be asked for a journey into unknown? No matter what you see there and which issues you are confronting, he is with you.

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